Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mutlimedia Connection

This is just a short post to connect my presentation to the course. From the start the objective of our course was "Designing for Effective Change", which is to say we are trying to bring change to the world.

To do so, we identify a problem and then propose a simple (ideally) and effective solution. I wanted to connect the presentation to the class project that we've been working on. Although we can identify the problem with class disengagement and we can propose a possible solution (peer mentoring), we still can't seem to completely solve the problem.

We understand that the mentoring plan could possibly be very effective and it can solve the problem, but there are problems in creating a mentoring program and carrying it through. There are still kinks that need to worked out.

Similarly, the solution to the Asian Carp problem is to kill them. However, there is no effective way to just take care of the carp alone. Poison is known solution and it has worked in the past in other places. Yet, this kind of solution still isn't perfect.

In our goal of Designing for Effective Change, we may often come across a problem where the solution is known and yet we can't do anything to make it work to the best efficiency.

I'm not quite sure how to make my connection more prominent, but everyone can take away a different connection from this presentation and our class. The invasive species could be compared to the spread of polio in Better. I also tried to make the message "sticky", a least a little memorable thanks to the jokes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that. Seeing that parallel was helpful to me. I didn't get that the first time through.
