Friday, December 4, 2009

Mutlimedia Presentation: Asian Carp

So here is my video on Asian Carp. It's been in the news lately and I would just like to point out the issue and question the solution proposed.

This took a looooong time (hours...)to post. I would find a little mistake here and there between the transition from powerpoint to slideshare (especially with the fonts). I also had to figure everything out myself just by search through google.

Anyway, enjoy and please comment if it's too fast and whether I should make any changes.


  1. To see the sources go to and check the notes for each slide.

  2. This is an interesting presentation and I learned something from it. Earlier in the semester, Dave L made a post about a different invasive species, the zebra mussel. In that essay he made a loose connection between efforts a polio eradication that we read about in Gawande and the spread of the invasive species. I'm curious to know what connection you see between your presentation and the course. Then I'd like to know if it is possible to make that connection more obvious in the presentation itself.

  3. This reminds me a little bit of "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift.

  4. some of the slides are very entertaining :) thanks for sharing! a little suggestion: the music started late, so I didn't hear anything along with the first couple of slides... maybe you can resync the music and the slides again? just fyi!
